uec fopFaculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Coordenadoria de Graduação

Tuesday, 02 February 2016 14:39

Course (Entry Forms)

  • At UNICAMP there are four forms for admission to the undergraduate course, which must be preceded by enrolment at the university, which are:
  • Competition for admission made by the Standing Committee for Admission Tests (COMVEST)
    Number of places available Selection in addition to those provided in competition for admission as determined by the unit responsible for teaching the course; student agreement places available annually by the Ministry of Education (MEC) for the Program Agreements of Undergraduate Students (PEC-G), to take account of countries with which Brazil maintains cultural agreement; refugee or foreign students whose enrolment has been agreed by UNICAMP; reciprocal agreements with foreign embassy staff and legally defined dependents.
    Reentry of students trained by the UNICAMP.

More information can be obtained in “Regimento Geral dos Cursos de Graduação”, Chapter I - Preliminary FORMATION, Dry III – “Do Ingresso”.